Grolier Scholastic imparts parenting tips to JCBES parents and staff
Mr. Albert M. Simbulan, Grolier Area Manager, shared his expertise with all JCBES teachers and selected parents on how to be good parents to children and provide them with limitless opportunities last February 8, 2023.
According to him, every child has a limitless ability to learn, and parents have a unique chance to help their children reach that potential by giving them a rich environment in their early years, which is so important.
“Home is the first school and parents are the first teachers.”, emphasized Mr. Simbulan.
Home is the setting for an individual’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. The family, particularly parents, plays an important role in the development of moral values in children.
He also provided reading techniques for parents by spending time with children at an early age before it’s too late for them to learn reading. Parents should set themselves as role models to their young ones.
JCBES will continue to seek ways to communicate with professionals in order to impart knowledge to all parents, students, and stakeholders.